Following some SEO tips can quickly produce great difference in search engine results. Here we introduce 10 must know SEO tips.
With the web going through multi level changes thanks to smart wearable gadgets, widespread access through handheld devices and rigorous search engine focus on aggravating the user experience, SEO became skill savvy highly contested zone for the webmasters worldwide and in this respect SEO expertise and SEO tips are now a sought after thing. While most self proclaimed SEO experts will tell you to become unique, original and value serving for the web users, we would like to offer some key knowhow to optimize your SEO effort. Here we prescribe 10 must know SEO tips.
1. Optimize with keywords in URL, title tag, headline, meta description and body
One of the most important SEO tips that you must remember throughout is optimizing your SEO effort through using keywords in every area of your web page. If you have specific SEO goal with your web presence limited to a particular set of content relevant for your business you can use keywords even in your domain name and can begin with changing the domain name by including keyword in it. Some blogging platforms do not show keyword in the URL and in such cases consider changing the post permalink with the inclusion of keyword in them. Keep an eye on using at least one keyword in the title tag and try to use keyword in the headline and Meta description as well, not to mention the body of the content.
2. Interlinking all related posts with keywords in the link
Interlinking all your related posts or pages with keyword rich links can deliver great SEO results and far better traffic retention on the pages. But in interlinking pages or posts make sure that the pages or posted contents at least share a common interest among them, otherwise instead of adding value to the users or reading experience it can be deprecating.
3. Use rich snippets for search rank listing
Using Google authorship for the content creator’s details to be available for the web users is often beneficial for the website in multiple ways. Remember websites listed on the search page with the content creator’s image, social media likings, followings, etc. are more favored by traffic than sites look orphan without any information on the content developer. In an age dominated by social media you cannot just expect great showings from your content without using rich snippets containing content developer’s detail.
4. Optimize all your social media profiles and posts with keywords and links
Without a rigorous and sharp witted social media presence for augmenting your SEO effort you just cannot cut enough marks these days. If you have a set of keywords that are going to be stable throughout your web presence then optimize all your social media profiles with keywords. Secondly, in every social media post try to repeat the keywords and your respective web links to drive your SEO effort for reaping more results.
5. Make sure navigation is easy and search engine friendly
The websites that use flash for navigating to pages pose great challenge for the search engine crawlers and if you still have such outdated material in your website just do away with them as soon as possible. Easy, smart and least time consuming navigation is always considered as a plus point to websites for better search ranks and traffic retention. Similarly, placing scripts like CSS and JavaScript in the HTML coding can further make challenge for the search engine crawlers making the search process slower. So make sure that these scripts are externalized to your content giving the content all state of the art navigational attributes while not posing any challenge for the search engine crawlers.
6. Use unique meta description rather than copying from content body
One of the most common yet must know SEO tips that we are going to mention here are related to the uniqueness of Meta description. Many content developers prefer to copy any two lines from the content body with an introductory value for pasting the same on the box entitled for Meta description. From search engine’s perspective this is also one sort of practice relating to duplicate content. Moreover, writing a unique Meta description that perfectly describes your content enhances the search rank credibility of the web page to a great extent.
7. Use stylizations and multiple structures in content to enhance readability
A single paragraph content going for pages without any pause, heads, subheads, bullets and points in between often seem like a big junk of words and is least preferred by the web readers. On the other hand bold heads and subheads and points let the reader quickly get inside the content depth and take interest. Presenting the content with sections of stylized paragraph, heads, subheads, points and bullets is must if you want to increase credibility of your content for both search engine and traffic.
8. Use keyword within first 100 words of the first paragraph
At least one keyword, preferably the main one should be mentioned within the first paragraph of the content, better if possible to include it within the first 100 words itself. Search engine crawlers find a article by the keyword and often if the keyword is not found early in the text body the page is ranked poorly. While including keyword in the first few lines of the article make sure that the keyword sounds absolutely relevant and natural to the body of the text.
9. Diversify link scheme while not depreciating quality
A link scheme consisting of volumes of back links and outbound links often determines the qualitative aspect of the site and link relevance and quality is a major factor in search engine ranks. But even if links are relevant enough in respect to the site’s content if their source is not diversified enough the credibility of the link scheme can be put in question by the search engine. There are many sites that engage themselves in link sharing or link purchasing which is a punishable Black Hat SEO tactics. So, if your link scheme is not diversified from various sources then it can attract penalty and result in bad search ranks.
10. Design your site responsively for all mobile devices
Today, majority of web users access web through mobiles and multitude of handheld devices and as the trend is increasingly going to replace traditional desktops and laptops, the future of web will be decided by these glossy gadgets with palm held or wearable screens. Consequently search engines also prefers to list sites that are optimized for devices with varying platforms and screen sizes. So, for your SEO strategy to reap results in quick time, make sure that the website is optimized for mobile devices.
Special Mention: Use lengthy content instead of short ones
Tiny contents with 100 to 300 words length often lack the strength of uniqueness or use value and consequently they fetch bad search rank result. On the other hand lengthy content with stylized presentation structure and originality is considered by search engines to have more use value. At least make sure that the content is 500 word in length and it would be better for augmenting SEO credibility if the content is of 1000 words or heavier than that.
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