This section contains the detail about the Text Align of Cell in pdf
Text Align in Cell
In this tutorial you will learn how to text align in cell in PDF in a PHP web application . The code of "text-align-in-cell.php" given below :
<?php require('fpdf16/fpdf.php'); $pdf=new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Times','I',16); $pdf->Cell(0,10,'Left Aligned Text',1,1,'L'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Cell(0,10,'Center Aligned Text',1,1,'C'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Cell(0,10,'Right Aligned Text',1,1,'R'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Output(); ?>
In this tutorial tutorial use three cell and all with width 0 (100 % width ) and height 10. In the first cell text align in left , second cell text align in center and third cell text align in right.
Output :
When run "text-align-in-cell.php" file display output as :
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