This section contains the detail about the MultiCell in PDF.
MultiCell in PDF
In this tutorial you will learn how to create MultiCell in PDF in a PHP web application. The code of "multicell.php" given below :
<?php require('fpdf16/fpdf.php'); $pdf=new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Times','I',16); $pdf->MultiCell( 0, 10,'MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell MultiCell', 1); $pdf->Output(); ?>
In this tutorial "$pdf->MultiCell( 0, 10,'MultiCell,...................', 1)" - set multicell content with width 0 (width 100 %) and height 10 (per cell) .
Output ::
When run "multicell.php" display output as :
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