PHP-XML Get Attribute From Existing File

PHP-XML Get Attribute From Existing File

Posted in : PHP Posted on : January 21, 2011 at 6:23 PM Comments : [ 0 ]

This section contains the detail about the Get Attribute From Existing File in xml using PHP.

PHP-XML Get Attribute From Existing File:

In this example, we will get attribute name and value in the existing xml file.

First we will create a dom document object and load xml document like:

$xmldoc = new DomDocument; 

Then we will used getElementByTagName() function to find out a particular element and used getAttributeNode() function to get attribute node like:

$chield1 = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName('child1')->item(0);
$node = $chield1->getAttributeNode('chield1_attribute');

After that print the attribute name and value.


$xmldoc = new DomDocument; 
$chield1 = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName('child1')->item(0);
$node = $chield1->getAttributeNode('chield1_attribute');
echo "<html>";
echo "<head>"; 
echo "<title>Get Attribute from XML file and attribute value</title>";
echo "</head>";
echo "<body>";
echo "<b>Attribute Name is :".$node->name;
echo "<br>Attribute Value is :".$node->value;
echo "</b></body>";
echo "</HTML>";

and root.xml code is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<child1 chield1_attribute="chield1 attribute value">clied1 text</child1>
<child2 name="">clied2 text</child2>

After running the example output is:

Browser Output:

Attribute Name is :chield1_attribute
Attribute Value is :chield1 attribute value

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