This section contains the detail about implode function of string in PHP.
String implode
The implode() function is opposite of explode(). It adds the different chunks into one joined chunks.
Example :
In the given below example, the array variable holds different strings and they joined together using implode() as given below :
<?php $parts = array("God", "is", "always", "kind"); $withSpaces = implode(" ", $parts); $withDashes = implode("-", $parts); for($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++){ echo "Part-$i = $parts[$i] <br />"; } echo "Glued with Spaces = $withSpaces <br />"; echo "Glued with Dashes = $withDashes"; ?>
Output :
Part-0 = God
Part-1 = is
Part-2 = always
Part-3 = kind
Glued with Spaces = God is always kind
Glued with Dashes = God-is-always-kind
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