This section contains the detail about the Header in PDF.
Header in PDF
In this tutorial you will learn how to generate Header in PDF in a PHP web application. The new instance of FPDF class, initial functions are empty you can extend the class and add your own functionality by overriding them. FPDF allows you to add header into your file.
The code of 'header.php' given below :
<?php require('fpdf16/fpdf.php'); class Example extends FPDF { function Header() { $this->SetFont('Times','B',16); $this->Cell(0,10,'Header',1,0,'C'); $this->Ln(30); } } $pdf=new Example(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10); $pdf->Cell(0,10,'Hello World!',0,1,'C'); $pdf->Output(); ?>
In this tutorial create Example class that extends FPDF class and override Header() function . Header() set font and create one cell with content . In this tutorial create new instance of Example class that extends FPDF class and override Header() function .
Output :
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