This page gives you a brief idea or information about Struts 2 framework.
Introduction to Struts 2
This page gives you a brief idea or information about Struts 2 framework.
Apache struts is the effective, efficient and extensible MVC based open source framework for developing Java web application. It supports the full development life cycle from developing, deploying to maintenance.
The WebWork and Struts communities jointly work together to develop Struts2.
For the official website of struts 2 Click here.
Until Struts 1.x, for Ajax support we use JavaScript. But now Struts provide us highly configurable Ajax tag library which can be incorporate directly. Struts also support DOJO library.
Request Processing in Struts
- First, user sends a request which sent to Servlet Container
- Servlet container calls FilterDispatcher filter which in turn determines
suitable action.
- But before applying action, one by one Interceptors are used.
Interceptors executes tasks like as Logging, Validation, File Upload,
Double-submit guard etc.
- Action is performed and the Result is yielded by Action.
- The output of Action is depicted in the view (JSP etc) and the result is
brought back to the user.
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