Event Classes

Event Classes

Posted in : Core Java Posted on : October 25, 2010 at 6:58 PM Comments : [ 0 ]

This section contains the detail about the Event Classes in java Swing.

Event Classes

Java has a number of classes that describe different categories of events. The following figure shows the hierarchy of a Java event class :

The Action Event class

? ActionEvent is generated by an AWT component, such as a button, when a component-specific action is performed.
? The action event is generated when a button is pressed, a list item is double-clicked, or a menu item is selected.
? The following syntax shows the declaration of the constructor of the ActionEvent class is:
    public ActionEvent(Object source, int id, String command)
? The main methods included in the Action Event class are:
? String getActionCommand

The MouseEvent class

? The MouseEvent class extends the java.awt.event.InputEvent class.
? The mouse event indicates that a mouse action has occurred on a component.
? The mouse events include:
? Pressing a mouse button
? Releasing a mouse button
? Clicking a mouse button
? Entering of mouse in a component area
? Exiting of mouse from a component area
? The mouse event class defines some integer constants that can be used to identify several types of mouse events.

Given below the various integer constants of the Event class :

Constants Description
MOUSE_CLICKED Identifies the event of mouse clicking.
MOUSE_DRAGGED Identifies the event of dragging of
MOUSE_MOVED Identifies the event of mouse moving.
MOUSE_PRESSED Identifies the event of mouse pressing.
MOUSE_RELEASED Identifies the event of mouse
MOUSE_ENTERED Identifies the event of mouse
entering an AWT component.
MOUSE_EXITED Identifies the event of mouse exiting
an AWT component.

Given below Various methods of the MouseEvent class :

 Methods      Description  
public int getX() Returns the horizontal x coordinate of
the mouse position relative to a source
public int getY() Returns the vertical y coordinate of the
mouse position relative to a source
public point getPoint() Returns the Point object. The Point
object contains the x and y coordinates
of the mouse position relative to a
source component.
public void translatePoint(int x, int y) Translates the coordinates of a mouse
event to a new position by adding x and
y offsets.
public int getClickCount() Returns the number of mouse clicks
associated with an event.
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