Java 7 End of Life - Java 7u79 and 7u80 is the Last public update of Java 7

Java 7 End of Life - Java 7u79 and 7u80 is the Last public update of Java 7

Posted in : Core Java Posted on : April 22, 2015 at 4:55 PM Comments : [ 0 ]

Java 7 has reached the end of Life and the last public update for the Java 7 is 7u79 and 7u80.

Java 7 has entered its end of life and last update release by Oracle are Java 7u79 and 7u80

Oracle has announced that they will no longer post the updates for Java 7 for any of the platform. The last update for the Java 7 was 7u79 and 7u80 which can be accessed from its archive section.

Oracle is advising to upgrade the application to latest version of Java which is Java 8 as the updates and bugs fixes for the Java 8 will be available on the Oracle website. The updates of Java 8 will include updates and security enhancements.

Where to download the Java 7 last update?

The last update for the Java 7 is available at the archive section of the Oracle website. You can download a copy for your operation system from here.

If you visit the arhive section of the Oracle website it is displaying the warning message "WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production."

So, if you are still using the old version of Java for production it is good time to re-think and move your application to latest version of Java (e.g. JDK 8 or above). JDK 8 was the latest version of Java at the time of writing of this page. So, check the latest version of Java and upgrade your system.

Now if you still use the old version of Java which is not under maintenence by the Oracle then you will have to manage the security risk your self in application or on Hardware/OS level.

Million of Java 7 application will suffer from this move of Oracle and now it is the responsibility of the developer/admin to apply code-level or hardware level security fixes.

You can also migrate the application to latest version of Java 8, which is being maintained by Oracle. If you still wish to use the old version of Java then there is Java Run-time Application Self Protection (RASP) technologies (Waratek is a RASP vendor) for securing your application against vulnerabilities.

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