This section contains the types of modifier in java
Java Modifier Types
A modifier is a keyword placed in a class, method or variable declaration that changes how it operates.
Java has long list of modifiers. Given below the two categories of access modifier :
Java Access Modifier
Non Access Modifier
Java Access Modifier
Java has a number of access modifier to control access for classes, variables, methods and constructors. Following are the four types :
default - No need of access modifier, It is automatically visible to the package.
private - It is used to set the visibility to class level.
public - for setting visibility inside and outside package.
protected - for setting visibility to the package and all subclasses
Non Access Modifiers :
Java has a variety of non access modifier, some are given below :
The static modifier is used to create static class methods and variables.
The final modifier is used to prevent variables from being modified. It behaves like constant. It is also used to prevent overloading and inheritance.
The abstract modifier is used to create abstract classes and methods.
The synchronized and volatile modifiers are used for threads.
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