Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
Ajax Tutorial
In this section we are giving complete Ajax Tutorial. You will learn Ajax in depth with the help of articles, examples and demos.
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is using many technologies such as JavaScript, HTML,XHTML, CSS, Document Object Model (DOM), XML and XSLT, XMLHttpRequest and Server side Scripts. Ajax is used to develop Rich Internet (RI) applications for the web.
Ajax allows the developers to create web applications that can fetch the server data without complete page refresh. Ajax sends the Asynchronous on the server and then sends/receives that data from server. Ajax can work with all the server-side technologies such as CGI, Perl, PHP, JSP, ASP etc.
Developers can write simple JavaScript code to access the server-side resources in their web applications. But there are many frameworks available to help the programmer to quickly develop Ajax based applications.
In this Ajax tutorials series first we will discuss JavaScript based approach to use Ajax functionality and show you many examples. the advance Ajax tutorial section will provide you tutorials, examples, code snippet and the links to many Ajax frameworks. Here you will find the tutorials on many Ajax frameworks such as jQuery, Prototype, Dojo etc.
Let's get started with the Ajax:
- Getting Started with Ajax
- Ajax Basics
- Ajax Suggest
- Ajax callback function
- Ajax retrieve header
- Ajax retrieve specific header
- Ajax MySql Database
- Ajax with XML
Ajax Frameworks Tutorials and examples:
- jQuery
- Prototype
- Dojo
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