Introduction to Neo4j graph database

Introduction to Neo4j graph database

Posted in : Java Posted on : June 1, 2015 at 1:46 PM Comments : [ 0 ]

Neo4j is open source, graph database which is written in Java and requires the Java Runtime to run. This article introduces you with the Neo4j graph database and compare it with RDBMS.

An Introduction to Neo4j database

These days graph databases are becoming very popular due its power and simplicity. Graph database are the database system that uses the nodes, edges and properties to represent and store data. The Neo4j is one of the popular graph database that provides many features and also there are commercial plugins to use in the more sophisticated environment.

Some of the graph databases are AllegroGraph, ArangoDB, Blazegraph, IBM System G Native Store, InfoGrid, Oracle Spatial and Graph, Oracle NoSQL Database and many others.

Neo4j is most popular graph database and it can be summarized as:

  • Open source database
  • Neo4j is schema free database
  • Its of the NoSQL database which can be used to store BigData.
  • Its graph database

The Neo4j as an embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine which store data into the database file in graphs format rather than in tables.

You can download and get the latest information about this database at its official website at

Comparing Neo4j graph database with RDBMS

Graph database such as Neo4j store the data in the form or graph while RDBMS stores the data into rows and columns of a table. Graph database uses graph and stores data into nodes, edges and properties format.

Following table compares RBDMS with a Graph Database:

Sr. No. RDBMS Graph Database
1. Tables Graphs
2. Rows Nodes
3. Columns and Data Properties and its values
4. Constraints Relationships
5. Joins Traversal

History of Neo4j

First version of Neo4j was released in Feb 2010, second version of Neo4j 2.0 was released on Dec 2013 and the current version Neo4j 2.13 was released in April 2014.

Power of Neo4j Database

Neo4j graph database is transactional database and it supports the ACID properties. It can store huge data set, following table shows the data limit of Neo4j 2.1.3 database:

Sr. No. Types of Data Capacity
1. Nodes Around 35 billion
2. Relationships Around 35 billion
3. Labels Around 275 billion

Neo4j database can be used to develop the enterprise applications which can store huge dataset.

In the next article we will learn how to download and run the Neo4j database on a windows computer.

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