IF-Else Conditional Statement In PHP

IF-Else Conditional Statement In PHP

Posted in : PHP Posted on : January 3, 2011 at 12:57 PM Comments : [ 0 ]

This section contains detail about IF-Else Conditional Statement In PHP .

IF-Else Conditional Statement In PHP

Conditional Statements are used to carry out actions based on condition. If-Else is also a conditional statement used to perform different action according to different conditions.

In PHP, We have the following conditional statement :

  • if statement
  • if...else statement
  • if...elseif....else statement

Lets discuss these one by one:

if statement

This statement executes code if provided condition is true. If condition failed, it jumps to the statement next to if block. The syntax is given below :

if (condition)
code for execution, if provided condition is true;

Given below a example to demonstrate the above :

$person = "John";

if ( $person == "John" ) {
echo "Welcome John!<br />";
echo "You are not John!";

If person is John, it will display following message :

Welcome John!

If person is not John, it will show :

You are not John!

if...else statement

This statement executes 'if block' if condition is "True" ,otherwise it executes 'else' block . Syntax is given below :

if (condition)
code for execution, if provided condition is true;
code for execution, if provided condition is false;

Given below the example:


if ($day=="Fri")
echo "Today is Friday!";
echo "Today is not Friday!";


if...elseif....else statement

First, It checks condition in 'if' block. If it is true, it will execute 'if block'. If false, it will check elseif block, if elsif is true-it will execute elseif block. If it is also false, it will execute else block. Given below it's syntax & example :

if (condition)
  code for execution, if provided condition is true;
elseif (condition)
  code for execution, if provided condition is true;
  code for execution, if provided conditions are false;

Example for above code is given below :

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Today is Friday!";
elseif ($d=="Sun")
echo "Today is Sunday!";
echo "Today is neither Friday nor Sunday";
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